Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hansjorg Rebholz bought his wine from our store!

This was the highlight of my day. German winemaker Hansjorg Rebholz bought his Grosses Gewachs Im Sonnenshein Weissburgunder from our online store to send to someone in the U.S.A. How cool is that?

My wish is to grow our German wine department into a well-known one. It's still relatively un-well-known. Too bad. We will grow it. The wines are so awesome and awe-inspiring and delicious, plain and simple. No need to talk yourself into liking them. No need to burn or drench your taste buds with them. They sing, they dance, they tempt, they seduce. But in a good way, not in a bad way!

This entry does not do them justice. Suffice it to say, German winemakers know our store (Hansjorg has been to our store), and they know where to find their wines in the U.S.A. Yay!

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